Years of drug nuisance on the Wibautstraat square: “It has become un-Amsterdam”

Peeing in porches, needles in the street and nuisance on terraces. It is daily fare for residents and entrepreneurs on the square near the Wibautstraat metro station. It’s been happening for years, but for the past six weeks it’s been more intense than ever: “And that next to a school, this can’t go on like this.”

Years of drug nuisance on the Wibautstraat square: “It has become un-Amsterdam” – NH Nieuws

It concerns the Cygnus Gymnasium next to the square. “Many children get an ice cream here,” says catering entrepreneur Rutger Schriedon. “Those children see drugs being dealt five meters from them, that’s not how it should be.” Many local residents are bothered by junkies and dealers loitering in the area. “I’m taking my daughter to school, but don’t let her go alone,” a father said.

“Junks are going out next to the patio, and my staff don’t always feel safe to lock up alone,” says Schriedon. Neighborhood resident Helma also recognizes it: “It’s a feeling, because they often sit quietly, but not everyone feels safe there.”


During Ascension a new low was reached. “The nuisance was worst when suddenly there was shooting,” says Helma. “I had never heard a bullet shot before, but immediately knew that it was.” She worries that people feel less safe as a result: “I’m not that scared myself, but I do think that people walk to the metro with a different feeling. This should not happen again.”

“A feeling of safety in the neighborhood is important, if there isn’t one, people should keep reporting”

junus Zepcan – community police officer

Several local residents join a group chat with the local police officer to keep each other informed about the problems. The police confirm that the number of reports of nuisance on the square has increased in the past year. “Subjective safety is the most important. People have to feel safe, if they don’t have one, they should keep reporting,” says local police officer Junus Zepcan. “Without notifications there are no numbers, and without numbers there is no problem to point out.”

in the act

“Often reports come after the fact, and it’s difficult for us if we don’t catch someone in the act,” says Zepcan. He wants to urge people to report if the nuisance is ongoing.

The adjacent secondary school is also affected by the situation on the square. One of the staff says that sometimes junkies or dealers even come into the school and they don’t leave easily. Schriedon recognizes the latter: “You send them away and they go, but you are called names for all kinds of things.”

According to Schriedon, the municipality has been working on improving the square for a few years now. “A jeu de boules court has been constructed and these catering establishments have been available for a few years. This makes it easier for residents to cross the street via here.”

other place

“Where should they go then?” a passing boy wonders. According to him, nuisance is experienced by people who actually don’t even do that much. But the local police officer says that nuisance is not allowed anywhere.

“Send them to another place where they cause less nuisance”

local resident

“Send them to another place, but preferably don’t let this happen anywhere,” says the catering owner. According to him, the police should do more than drive around. “A file is being built, but why not put up something like dummy cameras to deter them?”

“I understand that people in the square want us to do something,” says Zepcan. “We drive around the square more often, but it doesn’t stop at just stopping. Much more is needed to limit this nuisance, someone needs care so that they no longer need drugs.” For this reason, the police, together with the municipality, are making plans to provide more care.

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