Years after the start of the war: Ukrainians and host families look back

Years after the start of the war: Ukrainians and host families look back

With us, many Ukrainians were able to move in with host families, such as that of Koen Hallaert in Oostkamp. One year later they try to build a new life here.

Last year, their Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, north of the capital Kiev, was heavily bombed by Russia. In the following days they ended up in Oostkamp, ​​just like 120 other Ukrainians. Perhaps many of them will continue their lives here. Dutch is already working well and that will be one of the most important instruments to stay in Belgium.

Despite the pain and homesickness, the family is doing well here and they feel completely at home, partly thanks to Koen.

“We feel this family as part of our family. From the first moment they created a cozy and pleasant atmosphere for us. And they say it themselves, we can do no more than make you feel that you are not strangers here “, it sounds.
