Yasmina Alcaraz, Catalan referee at the 2022 World Cup in Australia

The Catalan referee Yasmine Alcaraz, designated by FIBA, has participated in the 2022 Women’s World Cup that will be held in Australia. The Girona referee, who had been present at one of the four ‘Qualifying Tournaments’ organized by FIBA, in Washington DC, has now completed the sixth first appearance in a World Cup for absolute teams, which has ended importantly on national combinat of the Estats Units.

In a style of competitions, this Women’s World Cup 2022 what is different from other champions?

In these cases, the fete to be held in Australia, is to say the other end of the world, and to be the first absolute female competition at the world level, a fan that followed the others differently. It is a great pride to be able to represent your origins at the other end of the world and fent allò that pleases you the most.

How has teu been day by day in this World Cup?

It is certain that the stay in Australia can be divided into two different phases. The first part is the PCC (Pre Competition Clinic) exam, for almost 4 days, working together on technical, physical, psychological and specific aspects of arbitration and competition. The second part is the one that refers purely to the competition, with work for groups reduced by the team of each partit. Each matí is for a physical activation with the ‘Crew’ team, a pre-partit session to specifically prepare the track workout and, subsequently, a post-partit analysis together with the instructor and a video support to prepare the ‘video- operators’.

How have you been able to have the mind, the cos i l’ànima amb les exigencies d’aquests dos mesos?

Always working with great demands on each aspect individually and on the possible juggling to be able to combine-ho with the personal environment, which for me is the most important. For me it is vital to be able to invest time with the best circle and, every time I certify, I need a proper energy charge that is donated by those who are most connected.
