Yandex shows such pictures of Butcha

The difference between Google and the popular search engine Yandex in Russia is startling.

Ukrainian news agency Unianin According to Internet users, they have paid attention to how different image search results Google search engines, and in particular Yandex, which operates in the Russian market, look for when the keyword is set in the Ukrainian city of Bushan.

After Russian troops left Butcha, a horrific prospect was revealed in the area. International journalists and local authorities found the bodies of civilian people killed along the streets. Some had their hands tied behind their backs. According to several estimates, the bodies report large-scale war crimes in the area.

However, this reality is not revealed in the image search results of Russia’s largest search engine Yandex. Iltalehti tried the search on Monday afternoon.

The difference between Google and Yandex is startling when you search for search engine image search services in the Cyrillic spelling of a Ukrainian city. Where Google displays images of a war-torn city and a body lying on the street, Yandex’s image search is topped by a variety of attractions and sunny images of the city’s parks.

Yandex’s image search mainly shows images taken before the war. Screenshot Yandex

Google shows pictures of the war and the body left behind by Russian troops. Screenshot by Google

In the Cyrillic alphabet, the name of the city is written Буча. The city has the same spelling in both Ukrainian and Russian. If you search in English, there is no corresponding difference.

Yandex has previously been accused of withholding information from the Russian people.

Former director of Yandex Lev Geršenzo called on his former colleagues to step down after the Russian invasion. He wrote On Facebook March 1 and joined six of his former colleagues.

– Today is the sixth day that at least 30 million Russian users see on the front page of Yandex that there is no war, that there are no thousands of dead Russian soldiers, dead in Russian airstrikes […] there are no civilians, no […] prisoners, not huge devastation in several Ukrainian cities.

According to Geršenzo, Yandex employees are also responsible for this.

– If you can’t do anything, resign, he wrote.

Russia has banned the media from using the word “war” and forced almost all the latest free media outbursts to shut down or stop reporting on the war in Ukraine since the war began. Russia claims that the pictures taken from Bucha are fake.
