Yan Tual, the Russian from the series who turns out to be French

02/25/2023 at 12:11


His characters from ‘Serve and Protect’, ‘Nasdrovia’, Liaison’ and ‘La Fortaleza’ have that nationality – The interpreter played a priest in the series ‘Outlander’, a role for which he was recognized on the street

The usual thing is that the Russians have their origin in Russia, but there are cases, such as that of the actor Yan Tual, who is the ‘official Russian’ of many fictions, even if he is a Celtic French. Her ‘dual nationality’ was adopted in Spain, with the series ‘Serve and Protect’ (TVE), where he gave life to Kyril Konchalovsky, and from there the role of one of the members of the Russian mafia of ‘Nasdrovia’ (Movistar Plus+). Now, surely thanks to that role, she is Mitzia, a Russian mercenary in ‘Liaison’the series that premiered This Friday, the 24th, Apple+. And it will be in ‘La Fortaleza’, yet to see the light.

Born in Paris, of a family from Brittany, Yan Tual (Yan is Juan in Breton, although his first and last name might sound Asian) lives where the work is, which has taken him, he says, to 10 countries: France, Spain, England, Belgium, Italy, Germany, South Africa , Canada, USA and… Scotland (because he counts Scotland as a country). After the role of Russian in the Spanish police series, came that of the gangsters who make the restaurant that gives its name to the Movistar Plus+ series their own, forcing him to speak in that language. “I studied it for the series. didn’t speak a word before starting filming. I thought I would only play it in Spanish, until they sent me the latest version of the scripts a week before it started,” explains the actor.

polyglot vocation

In the political ‘thriller’ ‘Liasion’, directed by Steph Hopkins, in which he gives life to a ‘professional soldier for hire’ friend of the protagonist(Vincent Cassell), He also puts his fluency in the language to the test, although he does not master it: “I speak three fluently: French, English and Spanish. I learn the rest for papers by phonetics. But I continue studying to be able to speak more & rdquor ;, she assures. Tual, she also says that with the ‘boom’ of the platforms, which favor more international casts, the knowledge of languages makes it easier to be a candidate: “There will be many more opportunities if you speak languages. But not only at a professional level. It makes you grow as an actor, but also as a human being & rdquor ;, he maintains.

Tual has assumed that Russian profile, to which his physique contributes, which I have made him chain projects. “Being seen in similar roles helps to get hired… but, although they may be of the same archetype, the interesting thing is always to make them different.” From ‘Serve and Protect’ keep very good memories. “I learned a lot because it was the first time that he worked in Spain and that he did a daily series. Everything goes very fast. The actors who make them deserve all the respect in the world& rdquor ;, he underlines.

‘Nasdrovia’ and ‘Outlander’

Of ‘Nasdrovia’ is full of praise: “This project gave me a lot. In this career there is a lot of fun and little art… ‘Nasdrovia’ handles both. With her I have the feeling of having on my resume my ‘Breaking Bad”, confess. “Vasili, his character, gains prominence in the second season, which allowed him to show more registers. “There is a change in the character. And not only on a physical level. His time in Germany left him quite philosophical and he begins to wonder what he really wants to do with his life & rdquor ;, recalls the actor, who regrets that the series have no more seasons to give it more travel. “Vasili has a very peculiar arc, with many nuances… There is still a lot to tell! & rdquor ;, he says.

The fans of Outlander they will also remember him as a priest: Father Alexander, that appeared in a chapter of the fourth season, ‘Province’. “It was an incredible experience. Scotland is a place with a very strong Celtic culture and wonderful landscapes. At the production level it is a luxury. You realize that you are part of an adventure that goes beyond your own work… Because ‘Outlander’ has an incredible fan community& rdquor;. And they say this last thing knowingly, because They recognized him on the street. “The chapter has been very successful and the character was expected by the fans, since it had an important presence in the books, although it was reduced to a chapter in the series when adapting it & rdquor ;. In fact, in ‘Nasdrovia’ winked atl mention the series in his honor. “When I read the script I couldn’t believe it! How strong! & rdquor ;, he remembers.

After the premiere of ‘Liaison’ will come on June 23, that of ‘Strength’, a film in which he participated invited by the Spanish director Chiqui Carabante. It is a choral black comedy filmed in Extremadura with a great cast, led by Fernando Cayo (‘La casa de papel’, and where he is once again Russian. And ‘Cold Meat’, Sebastien Drouin, a film that he shot in winter in Canada: “You are going to freak out & rdquor ;, come on ahead. He also recorded the series ‘A Casa Tutti Bene’, by Gabriele Muccino, and Scott Frank’s, ‘Monsieur Spade’, with Clive Owen (he is French there) and now he is shooting a film in Vancouver with Emile Hirsch where he plays German.

Russian or not, good or bad, whatever the country, what matters to the actor with a thousand faces and a thousand languages ​​is to play a good role. “What interests me is a good story. The conflict that a character can have and how he tries to overcome it & rdquor ;, she assures.
