Yaffa (85) overleefde vangenschap to Hamas thankszij Andrea Bocelli. An Italian tenor reacts now with the mooiste born | Conflict Israel-Palestine

It is a controlled sound of the music of the music in the sound of the music. Elke ochtend zong de Israeli Yaffa Adar (85) tijdens hair Hamas-gevangenschap de liedjes van Andrea Bocelli, zich vastklampend aan de hoop dat ze een betere dag zouden inluiden, of zelfs hair vrijlating. Toen de famous Italian tenor here van hoorde, stuurde hij a ongelofelijk mooie en emotionele brief with a splendid verrassing voor Yaffa. The serenade of the hoop.

The 85-year-old Yaffa Adar died last week when he was 49 years old when he was killed in the terror of Hamas. “Elke ochtend zong ik Bocelli voor mezelf en zei: ‘God, misschien brings you a good day. Misschien brings vandaag my vrijlating”, remember ze zich.

Toen de operazanger herevan hoorde, besloot hij a letter te stubborn to the crane vrouw. Zender ‘Channel 12’ toonde the introerende moment waarop Yaffa’s little daughter of the letter from Bocelli aan hair voorleest.

“Beste mevrouw Yaffa Adar,” wrote hij. “It was wild, I had a hug!

“I would like to thank you for the emotion that was shared with all the people who had such a great time with him and for the joy of my heart, I thanked him, I had a great time, he was happy.”

“I really didn’t think that my low stem would be such a great gift that I would like to have the heel raised, so that it would be important for me to see it.”

“He is really happy, there is applause, there is a recognition of what the world has to offer as a wonderful word, which I, that I have heard, will not forget it. “Thank you for your joy and now you have a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of energy, a lot of energy.”

“I’m going to take the opportunity to listen to you on all sides, what you want to know, from the picture you’ll hear about the things that I can’t imagine, so I’ll be able to tell you.”

“I would like to see it first, the picture is there for everyone. Vanaf de Andere kant van de oceaan stuur ik je myn hartlijke groeten, vol dankbaarheid, bewondering en gegenheid.”

Yaffa is eveneens ontroerd to the hearing of the beautiful words. “Wow! Wow! Wow! What a treat! Andrea Bocelli!” Roept ze uit, terwijl ze de brief koestert tegen hair bristles.

“Maar he is still here,” says the little daughters. “Hijl want to be uitnoden, je laten overvlichen toar a show van hem. Of je uitnodigen for a private concert”, onthult ze. “Hijn is also the same as before, and this is what he wants to hear from the audience, when they have a public concert of their own.”

Yaffa can be loved. “I know it’s on the ground. Hoe geweldig. Hoe ongelofelijk. What is there for me”, says ze uit. “This is the point of my life.”

Hamas deelt video from Israeli gijzelaars the smeken: “Laat ons niet oud wer die hier”

Hamas is fighting with mensenlevens. The other two things are different (+)
