Xbox players face ban for misconduct

Gambling can excite the mind, Xbox players should also know that. And not all of them are in control of the case. In order to ensure fair treatment among players in such cases, Microsoft has now introduced a penalty point system. TECHBOOK explains the details.

There are rules when it comes to gambling, even online. But not everyone always sticks to it. It can not only spoil the fun if someone violates behavioral guidelines, but also verbally go below the belt. In-game chats in multiplayer games are often a hotbed for hate speech. This is also the case with Xbox games in multiplayer mode. That’s why Microsoft, the developer of the console and responsible for the Xbox Network, is now introducing virtual “referees”. With the help of a penalty point system, misconduct by Xbox players will be punished immediately – there is even a risk of the account being blocked.

Xbox players are now at risk of being banned if they misbehave

Microsoft lays the reasons for this decision on its own blog extensively open. Xbox is always striving to “improve security measures and introduce other systems and tools that enable players to treat each other with respect”. Every player deserves a place where they can develop freely without fear of harassment and bullying. However, because the operators repeatedly received complaints about hostilities, a universal sanction system had to be set up.

This is how the new system works

A properly trained security team is responsible for reviewing and evaluating misconduct reported by Xbox players. This not only refers to hate speech, but also to alleged cheating. Thus, the system is not subject to any automatism, it is to a certain extent a matter of discretion. Accordingly, discussions can arise here. Because alleged aggressors can still appeal. If there is an authorization for this, a reversal of imposed sanctions or a blocking is possible retrospectively.

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Basically, it works in such a way that penalty points are awarded for violations, so-called “strikes”. These remain in the player’s account for around six months. If he has accumulated two strikes, he is banned from participating in multiplayer games for a period of one day. If there are four strikes, the Xbox ban is already valid for one week. “Players with eight strikes will be banned from Xbox social features such as messaging, parties and party chat, multiplayer, and others for one year from the date of enforcement,” Microsoft said.

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Each player starts with a clean slate

The system went into effect on August 15th. Previous violations, for which Xbox players should still receive a penalty, have not become obsolete, the publication continues. In other words, closures that have already been decided will continue to be enforced separately.

Only the scoring system with its strikes is new. Anyone who hasn’t already made a gross blunder in the short time should still have a “clean slate” – and it’s best to make sure that nothing changes.
