Xavier Naidoo: who is his wife?





Xavier Naidoo’s surprisingly released apology video has raised many questions from fans and critics. In addition, the musician has revealed a private detail about his family: his wife is from Ukraine. But who is the partner at the artist’s side?

In public, the couple has not shown themselves consciously. All that is known is that Xavier Naidoo is married to a woman named Julia. The refined artist explains in his video clip that he himself has spent a lot of time in their homeland, the Ukraine. “You have to know that my wife is from Ukraine. Your, our family lives there. I, too, am often in Ukraine and I had to get family and friends out of this beautiful country because there is fear and terror there.”

Xavier Naidoo: Long-term relationship with a woman named Julia

After a 12-year relationship with Stefanie Johst, the CEO of Naidoo Records, the singer got together with the woman named Julia. They have been supposed to go through life together since 2013 – however, Xavier Naidoo himself only explained this in 2015. He only revealed her name in 2020 on “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”.

In 2015, Naidoo also let it be known that the couple had a son. In “Sing my song – the exchange concert” he revealed in an interview with Yvonne Catterfeld: “Yvonne, you’ve been a mom for a few months, I’ve been a dad for over a year.” It was important to him “that my son can read body language “Said the artist in a documentary that was broadcast about him on RTL in 2020. “I’ve racked my brains on how to get a kid emphatic. Can I affect it? But now I’m lucky that I have a very emphatic boy. He’s quite a bully, but he’s really good at saying ‘sorry’.”

Julia’s family now had to flee Ukraine, and so it apparently happened that Naidoo “had to face critical questions about statements I made in the past”. “That was a reason for me to question myself.” He made mistakes and see for himself that he went public with “disturbing statements”.




