Xavier Naidoo in the wiki: the most important questions and answers

Once a celebrated musician, now a controversial advocate of conspiracy myths: Xavier Naidoo has himself to blame for the fact that his career has stalled. However, he still gives his few remaining followers the feeling of having found the “right way” for himself and the world. We have compiled the most important questions and answers about Xavier Naidoo – also to clarify the artist’s views.

Where was Xavier Naidoo born?

The musician was born in 1971 to a South African father with Indian and German roots and a mother with South African and Irish roots. But where does Xavier Naidoo come from? The answer to this question is already in the name of the music collective he founded, Söhne Mannheims. His hometown Mannheim shaped him not only socially but also musically.

What’s up with Xavier Naidoo?

Many fans, but also outsiders, wondered: what happened to Xavier Naidoo in 2021? The musician attracted attention in previous years with unusual actions. As early as 2014, he described himself as a critic of the system and appeared at a rally of Reich citizens on October 3, allegedly to propagate love for the world. With the words “I wanted to formulate as provocatively as possible that Germany is not really free,” he later explained his appearance.

At the beginning of the 2020 pandemic, Naidoo’s statements and actions became even more drastic. In a song that he uploaded to Telegram in the spring, he racistly agitated against refugees. RTL then quickly pulled the ripcord and threw him out as a juror at DSDS. He himself explained that he had taken advantage of the PR around the scandal. This was followed by derailments regarding compulsory vaccination and the applicable corona regulations. He even hinted at blowing up a vaccination center in a music video. Some of Xavier Naidoo’s most famous songs, “Wo will du hin” and “Dieser Weg” also appear in a bad light today, given the crude views.

Is Xavier Naidoo a lateral thinker?

That Xavier Naidoo often with abstruse videos, system critical songs and radical statements has attracted attention is well known. In view of the issues that concern him, it is therefore obvious that he moves in the milieu of lateral thinkers and is opposed to vaccination. The Federal Constitutional Court even ruled that he could be called an “anti-Semite” because of his verbal abuse against Jews. Some people also express their concerns online as to whether Xavier Naidoo could be mentally ill, since the conspiracy mythsthat he is trying to spread make him appear confused. It became clear to many that he was now deep in the conspiracy morass and might need help when he wept in a self-published video about alleged child imprisonment and torture. Blood is drawn from them – to produce a “super drug” and as an anti-aging product for the “elite” of the world. There is also talk of cannibalism.

Xavier Naidoo: assets known?

One can only speculate about Xavier Naidoo’s actual fortune. According to estimates, he should have earned between two and three million euros annually in recent years. His fortune is said to be between 12 and 15 million euros.

Where does Xavier Naidoo live today?

Xavier Naidoo lived in Mannheim for years, later he is said to have moved to nearby Heidelberg. Recently there were also rumors that the musician and his family had moved to Spain. In Marbella, Naidoo even showed up with one before publicly criticized mouthguards in a dental practice as a means of repression.

What are the sons of Mannheim doing?

The group Söhne Mannheims, founded in 1995, released their latest album “MannHeim” in 2017. The song “Marionetten” caused a stir because the lyrics alluded to certain conspiracy myths, but also to vigilantism and violence. Even if the group has repeatedly distanced itself publicly from racism, anti-Semitism and, most recently, from its co-founder Naidoo, a stale aftertaste remains. On Facebook They made it clear some time ago: “Xavier and we have been going our separate ways for some time and as a musicians’ collective we stand clearly and concretely against hate, violence and racism! Certainly it is important to address things in this day and age, even controversial ones, but you have to be aware of the power of words.”

Xavier Naidoo: Out with DSDS – what is he doing now?

RTL and Vox have now continued all TV formats with Xavier Naidoo without the musician. He is also no longer a lecturer at the Pop Academy and his hometown of Mannheim has expressed regret about the musician’s personal and artistic development. As a self-proclaimed critic of the system, all of this should only bother him a little.

+++This article first appeared on rollingstone.de+++

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