Xavier Naidoo apologizes for Schwurbel views

Xavier Naidoo seems to have had a change of heart. Surprisingly, the musician admitted in a video that he had taken a number of wrong turns in the past few years “in search of truth”. He therefore now wants to clearly distance himself from right-wing and anti-Semitic ideas and recognizes that he has allowed himself to be instrumentalized by conspiracy theorists, among other things.

Xavier Naidoo published the three-minute and 14-second video on his social media channels. He introduces his apparently read lecture with a few words about the war in the Ukraine. The past few weeks have also been difficult personally because his wife is from Ukraine herself. Her family was able to get out of the country to safety. Then an apology follows. “I have recognized some of the wrong paths I have found myself on. I said and did things that I now regret.”

The world seems turned upside down. In the past few months he has taken a critical look at some of his statements and realized “that I have made many mistakes in recent years.” Xavier Naidoo got lost in many things, he admits. “I have opened up to theories, points of view and sometimes also groups, from which I distance myself without any ifs and buts. I was blinded by conspiracy stories and didn’t question them enough, I let myself be exploited in part. I stand for tolerance, diversity and peaceful coexistence. Nationalism, racism, homophobia and anti-Semitism are not compatible with my values. And I condemn them in the strongest possible terms.”

Xavier Naidoo: Reactions to the apology

A discussion broke out on Twitter about the clip – about how serious Xavier Naidoo is about it and what made him make the statement. Some can appreciate that the artist apologizes for his statements and actions, others sense calculation in this.

Schwurbler Attila Hildmann has apparently already posted an article about the “betrayal” of Naidoo:
