Xavier Durlinger had an appointment on the night he went missing | 1Limburg

The evening that Xavier Durlinger (19) went missing in Sittard, he had an appointment with someone. That is what the police say in Opsporing Verzocht on Tuesday evening.

The police hopes to find out who he had the appointment with and are still completely in the dark about what exactly happened to him.

The teenager went missing on Wednesday evening 11 May after cycling through the center of Sittard. On May 19, he was found dead in a wooded area near the Kollerberg. He died as a result of a crime.

Also read: Xavier Durlinger killed by crime

Bike may have been found
The police are calling on Xavier’s acquaintances to come forward if they have more information about who he had the appointment with. Surveillance images in the broadcast show that Xavier was riding a black bicycle through the center. The bike may have been found by the police. That is still under investigation.

Silent march
Friends have organized a silent tour for the boy, which will take place in Sittard on Wednesday evening. The family is not involved in this and will not join the tour.

lalso read: Friends of Xavier Durlinger organize silent tour

Xavier is the son of the owner of shoe store Durlinger. Due to the death, the festivities surrounding the 140th anniversary of the family business were canceled.

Also read: Shoe family in deep mourning: anniversary party canceled
