WZC lays skylights for people with dementia

WZC lays skylights for people with dementia

It is a simple tool that the employees of the Samen residential care center in Wakken near Dentergem have been using for more than a year. Successfully. People with dementia find their room more quickly. When a resident is confused at night and goes out, he or she can follow the light strip on the wall to find the room again.

The skylights can easily be made yourself, with a limited budget and have the great advantage that they can be removed to help another resident. A great added value in a residential care center where 90 residents with dementia reside.

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With their idea, they have now also won the prize for ‘care invention of the year’. This is a recognition for innovative ideas in residential care centers that have been devised by the employees themselves. The price is good for 10,000 euros. The residential care center is also supervised to improve the finding of care even more.
