WZC Lacourt is expanding palliative short stay in Ostend

WZC Lacourt is expanding palliative short stay in Ostend

The elderly continue to live at home longer and longer. This also means that towards the end of life they sometimes need an extra framed environment. In a new palliative short-term stay, the Lacourt residential care center wants to receive the elderly and also provide appropriate support for the relatives.

big taboo

The average age at which people move into a residential care center is steadily increasing and is currently around 85 years old. The residential care centers of the City of Ostend had already offered short stays for some time, intended for people who could not be at home for a short period of time. Part of that capacity will now be reserved for people with a palliative status.

Alderman for Welfare and Care, Natacha Waldmann: “Dying and especially talking about this remains a big taboo. Nobody wants to think too deeply about their own end of life. When the time comes, it can be a great support for yourself and your loved ones to be surrounded by people who are experienced in guiding this process.”
