Wyseure misses a medal, Nys takes gold

Wyseure misses a medal, Nys takes gold

Defending champion Joran Wyseure is at the start with great enthusiasm and ambition. But the competition is fierce with Emiel Verstrynge, Thibau Nys and the Dutchman Tibor del Grosso, among others. Just like Verstrynge, Wyseure misses his start and only enters the field in thirteenth. At the front, Nys continues with del Grosso.

The Dutchman has to let a fantastic Nys go after a slider. The bird seems to start flying already in the first round. Behind him, the Belgians are starting to dominate the race in block. Verstrynge Meeussen and Wyseure join del Grosso. Wyseure and co do not hold back and drive full for their own interest. Witse Meeussen takes a few meters on Wyseure and Del Grosso. Things are going a bit too fast for Verstrynge.

The defending champion invariably goes smoothly over the beams and keeps the silver medal within reach. Wyseure is clearly in good shape and closes the gap with Meeussen. Connecting to the front will no longer be possible, because two laps from the end Thibau Nys is already twenty-five seconds ahead. The gold is gone. At the start of the last round, Meeussen jumps away. Wyseure doesn’t react, but intelligently lets Del Grosso close the gap.

Thibau Nys fully lives up to his favorite role and wins his first world title. Wyseure is badly placed for the sprint for the medals and ends up empty-handed. The sympathetic West Fleming expresses his displeasure on his steering wheel.
