Wta Miami, Bronzetti in the 2nd round. Now Giorgi

The 23-year-old from Romagna cancels a match point in the 2nd set and then wins in the 3rd against the Australian n. 39 to the world. First victory in the draw of a 1000, now the blue derby

And good Lucia Bronzetti who after being fished out as lucky loser hits the first victory in the main draw of a 1000 and also wins the first success on a top 50 in her career. The unfortunate is the Australian Ajla Tomljanovic, number 39 in the world, ex-girlfriend of Matteo Berrettini and beaten in three sets 4-6 7-6 (6) 6-2. For the 23-year-old from Romagna, the doors of the Top 100 are open and above all she is expected from a blue derby in the next round against Camila Giorgi, against whom there are no precedents.

The match

After losing the first set 6-4, Lucia was also one step away from defeat by nullifying a match point in the tie break: the number 39 in the world dominated until 5-2 before being caught on 5 all, she wasted a match-point at 6-5 and then allowed Bronzetti to close 8-6 and go to the third and decisive set. Tomljanovic immediately felt the blow by giving up the bar at the opening: Bronzetti climbed from 0-40, also canceled a fourth break and confirmed the advantage (2-0). Having lost her first serve completely, the Australian suffered another break in the fifth game, allowing the Italian to stretch 4-1 and finally close 6-2.
