Wrong concert dates for Rammstein in circulation

Not next year, but already next week!

As the tour promoter of the band Rammstein reports, incorrect information about the European tour has been circulating for a few days. The concerts for the new album are said to take place in 2023.

“As a European tour promoter, we hereby make it clear that this information is false information and was sent neither by us nor by Rammstein,” said the organizer. “One thing is for sure: The Rammstein Europe Tour 2022 starts next week in Prague and we are really looking forward to it!”

All ten Germany concerts are (as always) sold out. On June 4th and 5th the band will play in their Berlin home in the Olympiastadion.

also read

► Fan shock! Is Rammstein disbanding?

► Premiere for new Rammstein song in space on the ISS
