‘Wrong Amalia’ responds to her photo on the cover Private

Who is it then? A Dutch and blond girl who also happens to be on winter sports, according to a video on TikTok.

Wrong princess Amalia

Editor-in-chief Evert Sankrediets says the confusion arose because the German tabloid picture posted the photo before. “I thought: I must have that for the Netherlands. However, no one noticed that it is not really Amalia,” he explains in Show news “I thought: this is a huge first…isn’t it her, say. So that is extremely painful.”

stupid mistake

On Wednesday morning, the editor-in-chief already received a message from the Government Information Service (RVD). They told him that the young lady in the photo is not Princess Amalia. Sangelds had expected a response from the RVD in any case, but not the announcement that it was not the princess. “It’s stupid and we will of course come back to it next week,” he continues.

normal girl

The lady who by Privately was mistaken as Princess Amalia, turns out to be the Dutch Anne Heij in reality. She was skiing when she was photographed. On TikTok she shares a video on Wednesday in which she poses with the magazine where she is on the cover. †material girlbecause I’m on the cover of Privately as princess Amalia,” she writes under the video, which has already been viewed tens of thousands of times.

Fortunately, she sees the humor in it. “I thought it was a crazy experience to see myself on the cover. I can laugh about it,” she says in a response to Show news. “By the way, I wasn’t part of Amalia’s company. I was on vacation with my own family.”

Our princess Amalia is not the only princess Amalia…

Source: Show newsRTL BoulevardTikTok

March 17, 2022
