Wrestling: End of a great career: Frank Stäbler’s last fight

Status: 06/18/2022 10:37 p.m

Frank Stäbler went to the mat in the last fight of his career at the “The Last Fight” event he organized against Mohammadresa Geraei.

With a superlative wrestling show, three-time world champion Frank Stäbler finally said goodbye to professional sport. At the event in Ludwigburg’s MHP Arena, a number of international world-class wrestlers honored the 32-year-old Musberger. They competed against athletes from the German national team in nine friendly matches.

“It was important to me to prove with a cool event how uniquely beautiful our sport is,” said Stäbler. Stäbler, who lives near Stuttgart, ended his international career in 2021 with bronze at the Olympic Games in Tokyo and fought for the Red Devils Heilbronn in the Bundesliga until February. In 2015, 2017 and 2018 he was world champion in three different weight classes.

Stäbler fights Geraei again

When he left, the Greek-Roman specialist fought again in front of a good 4,200 spectators against the eventual Olympic champion Mohammadreza Geraei from Iran, whom he had lost in the quarter-finals in Tokyo. In addition to other top athletes, the Cuban Mijain Lopez, who with four gold medals is the most successful wrestling Olympian ever, also competed.

Stäbler wants to donate 10,000 euros to social causes from the proceeds, 5,000 of them to “Athletes for Ukraine”. Stäbler is one of the ambassadors for the club, which supports athletes from the Eastern European country after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.
