Wow! In a few days you will see up to 40 shooting stars per hour above Zoetermeer

Do you want to start 2024 well? Then make sure you are in the Zoetermeer outdoors on the night of January 3 to 4. Then you will see twenty to forty shooting stars per hour and you can quickly make a (New Year’s) wish!

The Boötids meteor shower will pass by from Wednesday to Thursday. Do you want to see this phenomenon? Then you have to WeatherOnline to get up early. The best time to admire the meteor shower is just before dawn, around 7am.

Starry shower above Zoetermeer

According to WeerOnline, the best place to see the Boötids is in a dark location without light pollution. “In urban areas, under a clear sky you will miss as much as 70 to 80 percent of the shooting stars because they are not visible due to the amount of city light,” the website reports. That’s why we recommend going to the Bentwoud!

Weather forecast still uncertain

According to the meteorologists at WeerOnline, it is still difficult to determine whether the weather conditions are favorable. “Clouds can throw a spanner in the works, but it is still unclear whether there will be (much) cloud cover during the peak time. If a rain area with clouds passes over during the night, unfortunately no shooting stars will be visible.”

The meteorologists of WeatherOnline have tips to see the star shower as best as possible:

  1. Find a dark place without artificial light. You see more from the open field (or the Bentwoud) than from your illuminated backyard in Zoetermeer.
  2. Make sure you have a clear view of the sky. Even if trees, shrubs or buildings only block a small part of the sky, you can miss shooting stars.
  3. Let your eyes get used to the dark for about 15 minutes, then your eyes will perceive more. So don’t look at your smartphone in bright light while waiting.

Enjoy watching!

Photo for illustration. Photo: Pexels.
