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Heated housing market

Finding the ideal owner-occupied home is almost impossible in the tight housing market. Research by Statistics Netherlands shows that house prices were 19.5% more expensive last March than last year. In addition, the Dutch population is growing and fewer homes are being built, as can be read in The Telegraph. The demand for houses is therefore increasing and almost one in three houses is being outbid by more than half a ton. That reports The Telegraph. Finding a house yourself for a reasonable price therefore seems almost impossible.


Participating in the TV program Buy without watching could therefore save a lot of search stress. The team will search for your future home, buy it and fix it up (as much as possible) for you. And when the house is finished, it is completely ready to live in. But you have no influence on any delay. It could just be that you unexpectedly have to stay in a temporary home or with family for months. And imagine meeting your dream home in the meantime? Then you can’t go back. Do you dare to let go of this control?

And imagine living in a house or neighborhood where you won’t be happy? However, on the other hand, it is also possible to sell the refurbished house after the program. Maybe even with a profit.


This tweeter believes that you should be able to find a house yourself.

This tweeter would like to participate in the program.

Anniek has managed to find a house herself.

This tweeter believes that if you participate in the program, you should not complain if you are less happy with the end result.

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Would you participate in Buy Without Watching? Or would you not be able to relinquish control of the search for your dream home? Join the conversation on our Facebook page
