Would you have known the correct answer? The competitor’s journey in the Farm was boring to the question of geography

In the farm duel, there was a trivia contest.

Ex-ski jumper Janne Ahonen and social media personality Joona Puhakka ended up in the dueling arena at the Farm. Joona had to choose between a task that required strength or knowledge. The choice of a social media person hit the mark.

Host Susanna Laine asked the duo seven quiz questions. The competitor who collected the most points would be allowed to continue the pursuit of the winning pot on the farm.

– What other name is chanterelle known by? Laine asked the contestants.

Janne Ahonen and Joona Puhakka march to the duel arena. Four

Joona was the only one who knew the answer was yellow. He took the lead right from the start.

– At that point there was a little bit of anxiety when Joona knew the first question right away, Janne admitted.

However, neither of them knew that birch sugar is called xylitol or that piekse means shoes.

Janne, in turn, leveled the game by knowing that tiu’s piece measure is 20. Ruukki, on the other hand, was completely unknown to both competitors.

– What is the horse’s fastest gait? Laine asked.

Janne Ahonen and Joona Puhakka did not know the real name of birch sugar. Four

Both contestants thought the answer was a gallop, but more accurately, it’s a gliding gallop. Hence, neither got marks for the question.

In the end, the decisive question was about geographic information. The contestants had to know the name of the longest river in Finland.

Joona guessed the answer was Kymijoki, while Janne wrote Kemijoki on his sign.

The correct answer was Kemijoki, which is 550 kilometers long. With his answer, Janne claimed a further place, while Joona had to travel home.

– The next crofter will be unpredictable. I thought I would try something new so that they would all be surprised, Joona told the cameras right after falling.

Joona’s journey ended with a bitter defeat at the Farm. Four

Farmi Suomi on Saturday at Nelose at 20:00 & Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
