World swimming championships, the director Butini: “My Italy is 10”

“A great commitment must be recognized by the team. It was a record edition in terms of gold, number of medals, number of finals”. Today Paltrinieri is back in the water for the 4×1.5 km cross-country relay. Off to diving too

by our correspondent Stefano Arcobelli

June 26
– budapest (hungary)

World champions and friends: internal competition is just one more resource. The final in the World Cup lane was a moment of great satisfaction and sharing for the Azzurri: an Italy that bewitches and in the medal table, even considering the absence of Russia, is the third powerhouse behind the USA and Australia.

Italy had never won 5 golds in an edition: at most three and with a certain Federica Pellegrini who guaranteed safe medals. The previous reference that dated back to Gwangju 2019 with 3 golds, 2 silvers and 3 bronzes, which in turn had already improved the numbers of the Budapest 2017 edition (3 golds and 3 bronzes), was surpassed in terms of gold and number of medals. of constant growth in density and results. There were 24 blue finalists.

speak butini

“It was an exceptional world championship. Rated 10. Above all expectations. We did more than we expected considering the work cycles conditioned by the inclusion in the calendar in the period that we generally allocate to the Sette Colli. – attacks the director Cesare Butini – Va a great commitment was recognized to the team. It was a record edition in terms of gold, number of medals, number of finals. There were many personal records including the world record of Ceccon, the European one of Paltrinieri and of the mixed relay. results have been obtained by young athletes, who have a bright future ahead, and all the gold medals have arrived in Olympic distances. In my opinion, among the secrets of this national team there are the harmony of the technical staff and the openness to athletes more deserving regardless of age. This national team is very strong, full of individuals who know how to make a group and support each other. Paltrinieri’s exceptional sprint from the heart both one gave us very strong emotions and excited the whole team.

In recent days we have been excited about the other successes that stimulate emulation and fuel personal and group ambitions. Beyond the medals, we received an exceptional response which, however, must not hide some considerations that we must evaluate to always improve and to promote technical projects that complete the team in the shortest distances. At the end of the World Cup we had a team meeting: I praised the boys for their results and behavior; I reiterated the need to maintain high concentration and commitment to further refine the condition in view of the European Championships that we will play in Rome where we want to be protagonists. Obviously there is great enthusiasm and we are all very satisfied with this world edition. We made history by emulating the claim of the event: Make History “.

greg back

In the meantime Gregorio Paltrinieri is back in the water at 1pm for the 4×1.5 km cross-country relay, as an outgoing silver medalist. The diving program debuts with the men’s 3-meter synchro (Tocci-Marsaglia) and the platformists (Di Maria and Biginelli).
