World-renowned composer Ryuichi Sakamoto has died

Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto has died at the age of 71.

Ryuichi Sakamoto is dead. PDO

Japanese musician and composer Ryuichi Sakamoto has died at the age of 71, exhausted by cancer. His death was announced to the public today, April 2, although the great composer passed away already on Tuesday, March 28.

Sakamoto was diagnosed with cancer in 2020.

Sakamoto is known for his successful film scores, such as the 1987 film The Last Emperor (orig. The Last Emperor) and the 2015 film The Revenant.

The composer is also known for Yellow Magic Orchestra. Sakamoto won numerous awards in his career, for example at the Oscar and Bafta galas.

The sad news was announced on the Twitter account of Sakamoto’s management company, where a long obituary for the deceased musician was published.

You can watch the embed as well from here.
