World Oceans Day: the Festivalmar starts in Milan

Lto World Oceans Day it is also celebrated in the city. Like in Milan, where from 8 to 10 June 2022. at the Ex Fornace Gola (Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 16, 20143, Milan), WorldriseOnlus that protects the enhancement of the marine environment, organizes the first edition of Festivalmar. Three days of workshops for children, workshops for adults, musical performances, art exhibitions, debates, docu-films, clean up to bring the sea to the city.

The story of World Oceans Day

June 8 is the World Oceans Day, which is celebrated on the anniversary of the World Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. A day dedicated by the United Nations to all the oceans of the Earth, to the resources and activities related to them. It is an opportunity to focus on the benefits that the oceans give us and on the duty we have to interact with them in a sustainable way.

S.and the ocean is healthy also the planet will live a long time. “The climate crisis cannot be solved without protecting the seas”. This is the fundamental message of those who are at the forefront of the fight against climate change. To tell us about it with the passion and scientific competence of all time is Mariasole BiancoPresident of Worldrise Onlus and marine biologist now famous for her commitment and participation in various television, radio and social programs in order to promote knowledge and respect for the marine environment.

Oceanix, in South Korea the floating city of the future against sea level rise

What is the Festivalmar and how to participate

Festivalmar is a Worldrise Onlus project, developed as part of the Campaign 30 × 30 Italywhich aims to protect at least 30% of the Italian seas by 2030.
During the Festivalmar, from 3 pm to 11 pm, many activities are planned every day. To consult the full program of the festival it can be visited this link and register through Eventbrite to participate for free to activities.

What is happening at the Festivalmar

It begins on June 8, during the World Oceans Day: the opening of the works will take place with a debate on the Salvamare law hosted by Ministry of Ecological Transitionfollowed by the Big SEAty Clean Upwhich will involve hundreds of people in the cleaning of the navigli area of ​​Milan, in collaboration with adidaswhich already through the initiative Run For The Oceanstogether with Parley, encourages removing plastic from the oceans, thanks to physical activity and sport.

It then continues with musical performances at a thousand volume and zero impact: Wednesday 8 June the LIVE set “Earthphonia” from Max Casacci, musician and founder of Subsonica, will accompany the audience in a parallel dimension where music connects with the beauty of the Planet. He will then be introduced SEATYan innovative Worldrise project that combines education, awareness and scientific research, to protect coastal stretches of the coast through the establishment of local marine conservation areasborn from the collaboration with FastwebFestivalmar Main Partner.

Discovering the Oceans, in Milan

Interventions by Franco Pistonoenvironmental educator, writer and musician. Carmelo Isgrò, Director and Founder of the MuMa Museo del Mare in Milazzo. With Anne De Carbuccia, environmental artist and President of One Planet One Future, we will go to the discovery of the Mediterranean. During the entire first day of the festival, the graphic & motion designer Davide Pagliardini will create a live painting artistic performance dedicated to the SEATY project.

The program for the next few days

  • creative workshops for children and workshops for adultsorganized by environmental protection associations to raise awareness and involve adults and children in the protection of the seas
  • debates on topics such as illegal fishing, with interventions by experts and the projection of the docu-film on the recovery of ghost nets “Eurydice Mission” by Andrea and Marco Spinelli, and on the involvement of the private sector in raising awareness and protecting the environment, also starting from its employees, with panel dedicated to AXA ITALY And GUCCI and a video illustrating the initiatives promoted by North Sails to communicate its commitment to ocean conservation
  • musical performances with a thousand volume and zero impact: eclectic DJ sets with Calamity Jade And Splendor and the Blue Nightthe #plasticfree evening in Milan to protect the ocean, during which the Martini Police + The Body Heat
  • an aperitif accompanied by the innovative format Marevelwith the participation of numerous green content creators to address the issue of safeguarding the sea from different points of view
  • the exposure of the art show Ars Mariswhich through paintings, sculptures, illustrations and photographs, will show the wonders and fragility of the Blue Planet: Festivalmar is this and much more.

Mariasole Bianco

Oceans and climate: what is the 30 × 30 campaign

«The solution starts from knowledge, passes through awareness and manifests itself through action», says Mariasole Bianco, the leading soul of World Oceans Day. There Campaign 30 × 30 Italy launched by Worldrise onlus wants facilitate the protection of at least 30% of our seas by 2030. The final goal will be achieved thanks to 30 strategic objectives linked to marine sciences and research, dissemination, involvement of new generations, management effectiveness and training of future custodians of the natural heritage of the Mediterranean.

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Worldrise is an association that acts to safeguard the marine environment through creative conservation and awareness-raising projects, developed to create awareness and train the future guardians of the naturalistic heritage of the Mediterranean. Let’s promote the change necessary to build a better future for our Blue Planet together.

