“World needs Ukrainian independence,” Zelensky tells UN Security Council | Abroad

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reminded the UN Security Council of the global importance of the Ukrainian people’s struggle against the Russian invasion. “Today our country is celebrating Independence Day and now everyone can see how much the world depends on our independence,” the president said via video link. Earlier, a Russian attempt to prevent Zelensky from addressing the organ had failed.

If Russia is not stopped now, “Russian killers will probably go to other countries – in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America,” Zelensky added. “Russia must be held accountable for the crime of aggression against Ukraine.”

Zelensky also said that Russia must stop its “nuclear blackmail” and withdraw from the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. He said an expert mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should take control of the plant “as soon as possible”.

Earlier on Wednesday, IAEA director Rafael Grossi and Russia’s nuclear agency director Alexei Likhachev met in Istanbul. They spoke “in detail” about a planned inspection of the nuclear power plant. The inspection by the IAEA has been the subject of discussion for weeks and the practical modalities have not yet been decided. Russia and Ukraine each set their own conditions.

Prevention speech

Moscow had also tried to prevent Zelensky from addressing the Security Council. However, an effort by Russian UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzija did not receive the necessary support. Thirteen of the fifteen members were in favor of Zelensky’s speech. The Russian ambassador was of the opinion that Zelensky should address the council in person.

Exactly six months ago, the Russian invasion of Ukraine started. The UN Security Council also met at that time.
