World Lights Day in Zoetermeer: ​​this is the program

Sunday 11 December is World Lights Day. All over the world people light candles for all deceased children. This creates a ribbon of light. The candles are also burning on that day in Zoetermeer.

“Anyone who feels connected to a deceased child is welcome at this meeting. Whether you are a father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, friend or neighbour. It doesn’t matter how old the child was when it died or how long ago it was. It will remain your child, forever,” says the Survivor Care Foundation. Children who have never breathed are also commemorated on Sunday 11 December.

Program in Zoetermeer

The memorial service begins at 7 p.m. with a procession in the direction of the children’s graves. Gathering is from 6.30 pm in the reception area of ​​the Meerbloemhof. At 7 pm it is time to light the lights together and the names of the children are called. The procession ends in the auditorium, after which music is alternated with a word and silence.

Location World Lights Day in Zoetermeer

World Lights Day in Zoetermeer takes place at the Meerbloemhof on the Buytenparklaan. Do you want to have a name mentioned during the meeting? Send an email to the Survivor Care Foundation. You can find all information at this website.

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