After Adam Johnson’s fatal accident, the World Ice Hockey Federation IIHF also reacted: In the future, players will have to wear neck protection at all tournaments – at the Olympic Games as well as at the World Championships.
However, the IIHF still left it open as to when the new obligation would apply.
“The exact date on which this obligation for the senior sector will come into effect will be determined by the supply situation,” said a press release on Monday: “The IIHF remains in close contact with the manufacturers to ensure that they meet the current high level can meet demand.” First of all, an urgent recommendation applies.
The American Johnson (29) was hit in the neck by an ice skate during a game with his British club Nottingham Panthers at the end of October. The former Augsburg DEL professional succumbed to his injuries.
The German Ice Hockey League (DEL) decided four weeks ago that all players must wear cut-resistant neck protection from January 1st.