World Earth Day 2022: sustainable fashion collections

THEL April 22 2022 is celebrated the World Earth Daya global event to underline the importance of safeguard and of environmental Protection, in all its forms. For some time now, thefashion industryfrom large companies to emerging realities, has made the sustainability andgreen commitment two founding principles of every project and collection, to make the sector less polluting and harmful to the environment.

The history of World Earth Day

First established in 1970, the World Earth Day is the anniversary born for celebrate the environment and the safeguarding the planet Earth in which over 193 countries take part each year. Established in the aftermath of the explosion of an oil rig off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, a tragedy that devastated the coast killing thousands of animals and shaking consciences over the years.Earth Day has become a warning against the climate change and an opportunity to reiterate the importance of sustainable and green practices.

The commitment of fashion to safeguard the planet

For many brands, sustainability has become a mindset, a principle to be incorporated and pursued in every activity and product. GUESS Ecofor example, he launched the global forestry project Be (leaf) in Changea tree planting initiative in partnership with Treedom. GUESS has pledged to plant 5,000 trees, with plans to increase this number through a campaign targeting both employees and customers. Also in collaboration with Treedom, on the occasion of Earth Day 2022, the luxury second-hand e-commerce platform Lampoo promotes a green week dedicated to shopping responsabilAnd. From 18 to 24 April, in fact, all customers who place an order on the site will receive 1 tree as a gift.

GUESS Eco has pledged to plant 5000 trees, with a pledge to increase these numbers

The synergy between companies, employees and customers is the basis of the latest project by Intimissimiwhich together with Alberitalia, a foundation with the aim of combating and mitigating climate change, is carrying out an urban reforestation project, implemented after a specific and careful analysis of the subsoil and biodiversity. The first trees were planted not far from Milan, on WWF land, before making a stop in other Italian cities. The jewelry and charms brand Dodoinstead, it renews its commitment to the social enterprise Tenaka: after having rebuilt one thousand square meters of barrier Reefand having contributed to the restoration of a mangrove forest, in 2022 DoDo returns to the original project, increasing the protected area with 300 new corals.

earth day 2022

Intimissimi and Alberitalia have planted English oaks, ash trees, cherry trees, hawthorns, dogwoods and many others on the outskirts of Milan

Give new life to waste

There environmental sustainability in the fashion sector it passes above all to manufacturing and the choice of materials. Here then is that many brands try to counter waste And pollution with recycled fabrics or natural dyes. With the collection Innovation Story Cherish Waste H&M wants to invite the public to fall in love with materials obtained from waste. The items of the capsule, romantic and daring, are made of MIRUM, a vegetable leather without plastic and composed of vegetable fibers; in AirCarbon, a biomaterial made up of natural microorganisms that capture air and carbon from greenhouse gases; and again recycled silk and fabrics made from recycled plastic from the oceans.

earth day 2022

The fifth appointment with H & M’s Innovation Stories translates into a romantic, green and truly sustainable collection

The first sustainable project launched on the occasion of Earth Day 2022 always starts from an idea of ​​recovery and regeneration that in collaboration with Undertowthe first laboratory specializing in the reuse and recycling of fishing nets in Mazara del Vallo in Sicily, has launched the line Proudly re-made in the Mediterraneana collection of genderless eco-bags realized thanks to the reuse of fish nets abandoned at sea.

The genderless eco-bags by and Risacca are made with fishing nets abandoned in the sea

Natural dyes and recycled materials, fashion goes green

Regenerated nylon, organic cotton, recycled polyester, biodegradable colors and natural dyes. These are some of the fabrics and practices most used by brands to minimize their environmental impact. For the collection Levi’s Freshfor example, the iconic denim brand has created a line of pastel colors, all made with natural colors and water-saving WaterLess techniques. Replayinstead, it started with the recovery of the cotton fibers lost during the ordinary spinning processes to give life to the fabric Hyperflex Re-Usedconsisting of the union of regenerated cotton and recycled polyester derived from the reuse of plastic bottles.

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From the choice of denim to the purchase of ItBag of the season, the fashion industry is becoming populated with virtuous examples devoted to greenwith long-term projects that go far beyond the World Earth Day 2022. Now it is also up to consumers to start making conscious and truly sustainable choices.

