World Cup party Morocco is getting out of hand in several places in Amsterdam

Mayor Halsema had issued an emergency order for Tussen Meer in Amsterdam-Osdorp tonight. Everyone had to leave the area. The ME also intervened in East and a little further in Osdorp, although it was not an emergency order at the time.

According to a police spokesman, heavy fireworks were set off on Tussen Meer, there was a ‘very grim atmosphere’ and a lot of people were out and about. The triangle (mayor, judiciary and police) therefore decided to intervene.

Between More is now empty. It is now being examined whether the riot police will intervene in other places in the city, such as on Mercatorplein or on and around Molukkenstraat in East. “Sometimes there is a yo-yo effect, then it is quiet again for a while and then heavy fireworks are set off. That makes it difficult to estimate,” says the police spokesperson.

A video from a local resident shows how several riot police vans with the German water cannon drive through the street. The German water cannon was actually deployed this time. “There are different positions and this time there was spraying,” said the police spokesman.

The Mobile Unit intervened briefly at the intersection of Insulindeweg with Molukkenstraat in East. “It was fast,” says a bystander. “They closed in on the intersection from all four sides.”

The police spokesperson emphasizes that it was not an emergency order in East. With an emergency order, everyone must leave the area. This time, only a group of young people has been turned away at a crossroads.

About an hour later, the Mobile Unit came into action at Hoekenes in Osdorp. This video shows how the members of the ME walk in line down the street:

Earlier tonight, Hoekenes was full of honking cars:

Other places in Nieuw-West were also busy with honking cars tonight:
