World chess association Fide: Russe Dworkowitsch re-elected as president

Status: 07.08.2022 11:43 a.m

Despite criticism from Ukraine and other parts of the chess world, the Russian Arkady Dvorkovich has been re-elected president of the world federation Fide for four years by a large majority.

This was confirmed by the electoral commission in India on Sunday (07.08.2022). Dvorkovich, a former deputy prime minister under Vladimir Putin in Russia’s government, has headed Fide since 2018. At the congress in Chennai, Dvorkovich got 157 out of 179 votes. His opponent, the Ukrainian grandmaster Andrii Baryschpolets, only got 16 votes.

Dvorkovich defends himself against allegations

The German Chess Federation (DSB) had campaigned for a new start at the world federation and for Baryschpolets’ candidacy. The 31-year-old grandmaster is standing “Credible for a fresh start in Fide. Pushing back Russian influence in international chess as well as a transparent and open leadership of the association are concerns that have our full support,” said DSB President Ullrich Krause. Dvorkovich’s replacement had only been demanded by a few associations. In addition to the Ukraine and Germany, such voices also came from Scandinavia and the Baltic States, among others.

Before Sunday’s election, Baryshpolets pointed out his opponent’s “enormous connections” to the Russian government. “You are responsible for building the Russian war machine”, he said to Dvorkovich. He denied the allegations. He has “took a strong position on the tragic events in Ukraine”, replied Dvorkovich. In fact, in an interview with the US news site “Mother JonesCalled Russia’s invasion a war and showed pity for Ukrainian civilians.

“Soft power” for Russia

However, after a strong reaction from the Kremlin, Dvorkovich seemed to be backtracking. And he still sits on the board of directors of the Russian Chess Federation together with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Russia, which Peter Heine Nielsen, head coach of the Norwegian chess king Magnus Carlsen, also criticized, according to the “FAZ”, has dominated the chess world for years. Dvorkovich exercises “soft power” for his home country. “Chess must become independent from Russia, in our own interest and out of a moral obligation”wrote Nielsen, who supported Baryshpolets, in April.

After the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, Fide moved the 44th Chess Olympiad from Russia to Chennai, India, excluding Russian teams. Russian chess players are only allowed to compete under the Fide flag. In addition, former World Cup challenger Sergei Karjakin has been banned for six months for supporting the Russian invasion.
