World Championships: The referee scored – watch the video

The puck went straight from the judge to the finish.

Magnus Hellberg glowed with fresh Swedish super-reinforcement. Jussi Saarinen

Sweden was crushing. Tre Kronor had just hit a 6-1 lead on the board against Norway when an amazing situation was seen.

Norway scored with a referee. The Norwegian striker fired the game gear towards the gutter. The line judge tried to dodge the puck, but bounced it down the road.

Gumilätt changed direction towards the goal, and Sweden Magnus Hellberg was already far from its gate. The puck flew to the finish.

– What would I even say? 10 times out of 10, the miller tries to go in that situation to stop the puck behind the goal. No goalkeeper could have expected that spur.

The paint was checked from the video. No goal, the referee showed. If the video below doesn’t appear, you can watch it from this link.

– Apparently the rules say that a goal cannot be accepted if the puck goes directly to the goal through the referee. If I had had time to touch it, it could have been accepted. Better like that, Hellberg laughed.

– I’ve never seen anything like it. Sometimes the puck has taken a strange bounce through the plexes.

Sweden eventually toppled Norway 7-1. Fresh NHL confirmation William Nylander immediately raged 1 + 2. The Swede, who experienced another playoff disappointment with the Toronto Maple Leafs, brought a significant improvement to Sweden’s superiority.

Before the match in Norway, Sweden’s superiority was the fourth weakest in the tournament. Now four yv goals were scored.

– William is a world class player. He’s a great scorer, but it’s worth watching how calmly he plays on the puck. He is tempered and looking for free players all the time. He is also an excellent feeder, Hellberg glowed.

Sweden will play their last match in the first round against Latvia on Tuesday. It is still struggling for a group win with Finland.
