Works Doel 3 can already be used, shows nuclear watchdog FANC

The following week before the end of the week, the core central van Doel will stop for 3 days as planned. Cort daarna start uitbater Engie al met the first preliminary works for de ontmanteling van de kerncentrale, which weliswaar pas over enkele jaren zal geuren. Maar ook the preparatory works zrgen ervoor dat de centale Wellicht niet sea in Gebruik can be taken. Tot the biggest event of verschillende parts in de federale regering: een energiecrisis is not the moment om een ​​kerncentrale uit roulatie te halen, het latches.

Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) had daarom aan de nucleaire Waakhond FANC gevraagd of the planned works could be zonder de veiligheid in het gerrang te brengen.

“The FANC responded that there was an alternative planning for the preparation of the ontmanteling, for the purpose of exploiting the Electrabel, it was never used, with the fact that the potential for concern is over the nuclear potential,” says Annelies Verlinden. “The analysis of the FANC has been discussed in the Federal Regering.”

The ball ligt daarmee terug in the camp van Engie. The FANC can also be arranged over the future of the plans from the Franse energiebedrijf, but can also be extended to new plans. “As an engineering entity, we can also say that there are other things that need to be done,” het bij het FANC.
