‘Working on damage Limburg, but not everything is reimbursed’ | 1Limburg

Work is being done on fairer compensation for the damage caused by the flooding in Limburg last summer.

That is what the Ministry of Justice and Security says in response to complaints about the settlement of claims that three municipalities in South Limburg have expressed to EenVandaag. However, according to Minister Dilan Yesilgöz, not all damage will be compensated.

Also read: ‘Flooded victims not equally compensated’

According to EenVandaag, the mayors of Valkenburg aan de Geul, Meerssen and Gulpen-Wittem are not pleased with the claims handling. Not all damage was covered by insurers. The government may have arrangements to help, but according to the mayors they are starting too slowly and, moreover, often do not pay out. They refer to statements by Yesilgöz’ predecessor Ferd Grapperhaus that the government would be generous in the compensation.

“I understand that private individuals are dissatisfied with the compensation for the damage,” said Yesilgöz. She refers to the various schemes that have already been rigged. On the basis of the Compensation for Damage in Disasters Act (Wts), people can be compensated for damage that they could not have insured. A leniency scheme has been set up for part of the damage that could have been insured.

Also read: House of Representatives wants more money for flood victims

The summer
The minister acknowledges that the schemes do not cover all costs. “It is an allowance. Not all cost items are eligible for reimbursement.” She says she will send another letter to the House ‘before the summer’ about the settlement of claims. Around that time, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Province of Limburg also hope to come up with a joint tailor-made scheme for affected entrepreneurs.

The compensation according to the Wts is handled by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). He admitted on Tuesday that mistakes had been made. “Unfortunately, like cases have not always been treated equally when handling applications,” the agency said in a statement. The RVO has promised to rectify this.

Also read: Flood damage significantly lower than previously estimated

The Dutch Association of Insurers has announced that until February, insurers have fully settled about 90 percent of private claims and about 70 percent of business claims. Due to the consequences of the coronavirus, scarcity in the construction industry and the complexity of the damage, the process is taking longer, a spokeswoman said.

“The majority of private and commercial buildings and household effects are now insured against local flooding, regardless of where the precipitation fell,” the Dutch Association of Insurers also reports.
