Working on a book with four writers: ‘We arranged it in seven months’

Working on a book with four writers: the writers’ collection from A to Z started working on this. Now, seven months later, there is the book: ‘The hidden path.’

How hard is it to write a book with four people? “Not that difficult”, says Claudia Stinne, one of the writers at the table of the Radio Drenthe program Cassata. “It was not too bad for us. I think we did quite well and we arranged it in seven months.”

In addition to Claudia Stinne, the collective consists of Victor Vergeer, Jeannette Hachmang and Jos Govaarts from Aalden and Zweeloo. The writers made one joint story containing four intertwined stories, of which the authors wrote one each. The book leads four hikers through the villages of the former municipality of Zweeloo and through various time periods

Victor Vergeer: “First we had to come up with what we were going to write. Besides that, everyone has their own style, and everyone has their own ideas. So we had a hard time figuring out what to do. write our own story, based on an event in the vicinity of Aalden and Zweeloo, and then we would knit a story around it.”

To learn more about the story, check out the interview with the three writers in Cassata below.
