Working Odd – A survey of gender pay inequality

mOn Tuesday 4 April it comes out as a free attachment with Corriere della Sera, the book “Working Odd – A survey of gender pay inequality, created in collaboration with ACLI, Work Area – Women’s Coordination. A 64-page book that deals with the gender difference in salaries with data in hand.

Women and work

Emiliano Manfredonia, President of ACLI, said: «I am happy that Corriere Buone Notizie has decided to publish our research Lavorare Dis/pari on gender wage inequality because it is a small but great contribution that we present as a testimony and as a political act, an act that also derives from our reality of association, which seeks to give voice and answer to the problems of those who live in it or turn to it. Working odd, today, for a woman, is almost the norm.

And it’s not just a question of the difference in remuneration, even if the fact that in 2023, for the same job and level, a woman will receive less than a man is truly immoral. Talking about women’s work means first of all guaranteeing a good job, a job that restores dignity because, as Pope Francis says, we don’t work only for sustenance but it is there that we express ourselves, that we feel useful and that we learn the great lesson of concreteness”.

