Working in healthcare during Christmas: ‘The atmosphere is really nice’

While most people enjoy a Christmas brunch or dinner, there are also people who are hard at work during the Christmas season. Such as in the De Holdert residential center in Emmen, where nurses and kitchen staff make it a pleasant day for the residents.

Game broth, Brussels sprouts with bacon, a venison steak and for dessert a bavarois with pineapple. Apart from the children and grandchildren who come to visit grandpa and grandma, Lotte van der Deen, together with colleague Bart, is the most welcome guest in the residential center today. They visit the elderly to deliver the Christmas meal.

“I don’t really mind working during Christmas,” says Lotte. It’s always fun. I’m also used to it, because I’ve always worked in the hospitality industry. We make a little more effort for the people and the atmosphere is just fun.”
