‘Working from home can have a negative impact on your night’s sleep’ | Health

That is one of the conclusions that can be drawn from a study by the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy. The association wanted to know what the impact of the corona pandemic had been on the mental health and sleep quality of British workers over the past two years.

The study comparing data from 5,316 Britons of different ages shows that two-fifths of those surveyed think that spending more time at home negatively affects their sleep. More than half of the twenty-somethings who suffer from sleeping problems say that working from home is the cause. This percentage is 34% among the over-65s.

It is also mainly the young people who complain that they have great difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. 48% of 20-somethings think this is due to working from home.

How can that be explained? Simple: experts think that working from home makes it difficult for many people to keep private and work separate, which in turn can cause problems for your mental health.

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