Workers’ sit-in at a Post Office branch in Barcelona due to “excessive temperatures”

According to a statement from UGT de Correos, these temperatures range between 32 and 33 degrees, which entails “a serious risk” for the health of workers

Post office 35 of Barcelona at calle Calàbria 235 has paralyzed this Wednesday its work activity after the delegates of prevention of labor risks of UGT, CC.OO. and CGT de Catalunya have filed a complaint before the Labor Inspectorate for “excessive temperatures” in the middle.

According to a statement from UGT de Correos, these temperatures oscillate between 32 and 33 degreeswhich entails “a serious risk“for the health of the workers if they continue to work in these conditions.

Barcelona’s CGT has also indicated in a statement that there is “a serious problem with air conditioning and temperature” at the branch, and urges the Occupational Health delegates to apply the Occupational Risk Prevention Law.

The workers are waiting for the Labor Inspection ratify the closure and determine the necessary measures that the Post Office address must take for its reopening, whom they reproach for having “ignored all the recommendations regarding prevention in the face of the heat wave”.

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Correos sources have explained to Europa Press that since this Wednesday the activity of the center is stopped.

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They have argued that it is “a fault in the air conditioning system that it is waiting for the supplier company to provide the necessary spare part to correct it”, ensuring that temporary portable cooling systems have been installed.

They have also added that, in terms of customer service, the delivery of shipments in a “very close” unit“, with a person who informs customers about the nearest offices to which they can go to make their shipments.
