Worker falls into manhole, other tries to save him, both seriously injured

Worker falls into manhole, other tries to save him, both seriously injured

It concerns a 46-year-old man from Bitsingen and a 36-year-old man from Liège. The 46-year-old man fell into a sewage pit, the other person tried to get him out but became intoxicated by the released gases. The fire service managed to pull the first victim out of the pit and resuscitate him. He was transferred to AZ Delta in critical condition. He is no longer in danger. The other person was seriously injured in the incident.

The WZC posted this on Facebook: “This news affects all people of De Zilverberg and the entire Motena family. Our thoughts go out to the family, friends and colleagues of the victims. We are now waiting for further medical news from the hospital and hope for a good outcome. A safe working environment is a top priority for both our own employees and for employees of organizations we work with. We do everything we can to provide the employees involved with the necessary support and guidance.”

The Labor Auditorate came to the scene to investigate what exactly went wrong.
