Work on Kooybrug in Den Helder postponed

The work on the Kooy Bridge in Den Helder has not yet started. The bridge would open from midnight closed for a long time are for traffic, but that was postponed at the last minute.

It reports that Noordhollands Dagblad this evening. Minister Mark Harbers (VVD) of Infrastructure and Water Management made this decision at the last minute. The implementation organization of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management first wants to discuss with the region how they can minimize the consequences of the work, the newspaper writes.

The closure of the Kooy Bridge has already caused a lot of unrest in recent months. Traffic that has to go to or from Den Helder will therefore have to take a significant detour via the bridge at De Stolpen. This already caused a lot of dissatisfaction entrepreneurs. The Den Helder business association (OVDH) formed a partnership last week summary proceedings but that did not postpone the renovation.

However, the minister decided at the last minute to postpone the work. It is not known when the renovation will start and whether the bridge will still be completely closed for a long time.
