Work must be paid fairly!

Berlin has too few nursing staff. A comment from BZ editor Konstantin Marrach.

Two of the most important jobs in my opinion are those of educators and geriatric nurses. But both professions are paid anything but fairly – I know this from family and friends. That needs to change.

The number of people in Berlin in need of care will increase in the coming years, as a current calculation by Barmer shows. How can you attract new specialists? It’s very clear: the working conditions have to be optimised, and the pay has to be significantly improved.

Surely it can’t be true that as a carer you get up at 3:30 a.m. five times a week, then work hard for eight hours and at the end of the month, after deducting rent and electricity, you have hardly more in your account than a Hartz IV recipient!

Under such conditions, far too few school graduates will be recruited for such an immensely important profession.

  (Photo: )
