Work and burnout, is there a toxic corporate culture? Here’s who suffers the most and why

TO global level, second a survey conducted by the McKinsey Health Institute of 30,000 employees in 30 countriesthe percentage of employees experiencing it symptoms of burnout stands at around 22% (but Italy is not among the worst placed countries). Those who are most affected are the employees of small companiesThat do not hold managerial positions and younger workers, belonging to Gen Z and Millennials. But why does this happen? We talk more and more about toxic corporate culture, but what do we mean?

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What is burnout in 2024

Burnout refers to a situation of chronic stress at work that is not adequately managed, with a feeling of exhaustion and cynical or negative feelings. It is a medical condition officially recognized by the World Health Organization, included in the eleventh revision of the International WHO Classification of Diseases.

We’ve been talking about it since the seventies. At the beginning about certain types of professions, such as mental health department workers. The questionnaire dates back to 1981 (the Maslach Burnout Inventory) that the psychologist Christina Maslach formulated to identify the problem in people who worked in the helping professions. Over time, burnout began to affect more and more workers. Those who are in contact with illness and suffering and those who work in a profession linked to the management of other people’s problems (teachers, policemen, lawyers). But also those who live in very competitive environments, so much so that it is considered a sort of contemporary pathology.

The WHO’s decision to include it in its classification was a sort of first step in addressing the problem, which it not only has psychological consequences on the world population but also economic ones: Burnout is typically accompanied by a decline in productivity. As highlighted by CNBCThe decline in job satisfaction recorded from 2020 to today could impact the global economy with a loss of approximately 8.8 trillion dollars in terms of productivity.

«The data underlines the need to pay attention to the processes of listening to one’s employees, constantly monitoring the company climate», underlined Francesca Verderio, Training & Development practice leader of Zeta Service (Italian company specializing in HR and payroll services).

What are the causes of burnout?

Typically between the causes of workplace burnout there are interpersonal conflicts, lack of clarity regarding tasks, responsibilities and objectives, the pressure linked to timing and workload. The symptoms are confusion, stress and low productivity. Until the decision to give up and even leave the job.

«Many companies have reported one to us in recent years greater difficulty in retaining resources. From this perspective, listening to your people and therefore constantly monitoring the company climate becomes fundamental”, explains Verderio.

The (great) economic value of well-being at work

The McKinsey Health Institute survey highlighted that a positive working environment and greater well-being makes you more innovative and efficient in carrying out your tasks. This is confirmed by another survey that the Institute conducted together with Business in the Community, according to which the economic value of improving well-being of UK employees, for example, could be between £130 and £370 billion per year (6-17% of GDP), which equates to £4,000-12,000 per employee.

«It is often thought that those who leave their jobs do so for salary or career reasons. Often it is due to an unstimulating corporate climate». What is missing? «Sense of belonging, commitment, care for psychological well-being and health, support offered by your team, possibility of training or career paths. But the problems also concern the fairness and ethics of managerial behaviour.”

Companies with no future without employee satisfaction

A positive corporate climate leads to better collaboration between employees and therefore better performance. This is the direction. A research by PwC highlighted that in Italy, for 4 out of 10 CEOs their company will not be able to survive for more than 10 years without a transformation process. An even more significant figure considering that this vision towards the future of one’s company is also shared by 25% of employees and, in particular, by 44% of young workers interviewed during the survey.

