Women’s World Cup 2023 | Olga Carmona, from ‘signaled’ to heroine

There are footballers who, when pointed out by the coach, sink. It’s hard to get them back, even. There are others who, however, pluck up their courage when they have a minimal opportunity and insist on showing that they just had a bad day and that the coach was wrong to ‘punish’ them. Olga Carmona (Seville, 2000) is from the second group.

She was one of those sacrificed after the defeat by a landslide against Japan, a match in which no one was saved. In the next duel, against Switzerland, the first tie, Vilda decided dispense with some of his stalwarts, such as MassAlexia, Esther and her own Olga and the play went well. He didn’t even enter the second half. He did, however, against the Netherlands, to play the entire extension. With the sanction of Oihane, the Sevillian winger returned to the starting eleven. She also did it with the captain’s bracelet. She was one of the best throughout the game and became the heroine who sent Spain to the grand final in Sydney.

He tried his luck from outside the area on two occasions, seeing that it was proving almost impossible to break down the Swedish wall, and the third time was the charm. When it seemed that the game was going to extra time, the Sevillian scored the final 2-1, just 94 seconds after the tie between rebecca blomqvist, with a kick at almost 80km/h, which hit the wood first and then entered to unleash the euphoria of an entire country and some colleagues who pounced on her, leaving her almost breathless. “I have never experienced anything like this in football & rdquor ;, she confessed at the end of the meeting.


“I tried to adjust a little more because the first ones had gone. It was the goal of my life & rdquor ;, she explained. “I’m very anxious and happy, I’m really looking forward to the final and hopefully we’ll win the title.”

Stubborn and determined. Like when she was a little girl, she’s not long ago. So she wasn’t concerned with how she had to hit it to adjust the shot. Her personal battle was another: that she be allowed to play soccer like her brothers, whom she accompanied to training, instead of forcing her to go to flamenco classes, first, and swimming, after she. She ended up winning the pulse as she did in Auckland’s Eden Park.

it was worth it

She didn’t have time, because her companions, who maintained that human mountain for long seconds, prevented her from doing so. He kissed the wrist where he sports a tattoo with his mother. Her dedications are for her.

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Olga Carmona She is living a dream, like all the players who represent Spain in the World Cup. She is one of the young women who has grown up with the marked path and who learns from the veterans. This World Cup made her especially excited, because she already missed, due to the pandemic, the U-20 tournament that should have been held three years ago in Costa Rica.

“Everything happens for a reason, they say & rdquor ;. And perhaps his moment is now.
