Women’s leagues playable for the first time in football game FIFA 23 | games

In FIFA 23 two women’s competitions will be playable for the first time, publisher reports EA Thursday. These are the British FA Women’s Super League and the French Division 1 Féminine. Later, other leagues should be added to the game as well.

It is unknown which other leagues will be added and when that will happen. It is known that the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand will be playable. That championship will take place next year. FIFA 23 will also feature the World Cup in Qatar for men.

In 2015, women’s teams were entered for the first time FIFAseries added. It involved a handful of international teams. That number was in FIFA 22 at seventeen.

According to FIFA 23producer Matt Lafreniere captured player movements in 3D for realistic in-game animations. EA says it will soon have more information about the innovations in the game.

FIFA 23 will be the last title in the series from publisher EA to bear the FIFA name. Due to disagreements over cost and exclusivity, FIFA’s license is being extended to multiple game developers. The following football games from EA will be titled EA Sports FC along.
