Women’s Football World Cup: “We Your All One”: Kebekus sings a World Cup song for the DFB team

Status: 06/29/2023 4:00 p.m

Musical support for the title mission of the DFB women: Comedian Carolin Kebekus sings the World Cup song “Wir Ihr Alle Eins” for the German soccer players.

The women’s soccer World Cup starts on July 20 in Australia and New Zealand. And the sound for the tournament comes from comedian Carolin Kebekus. Your football anthem has now been chosen as the official ARD World Cup song. Vice European champions Lina Magull, Lea Schüller, Klara Bühl, Sydney Lohmann, Nicole Anyomi, Sophia Kleinherne and Sara Doorsoun were also in front of the camera for the video.

“The idea for ‘Wir Ihr Alle Eins’ came about at a time when it was not yet clear whether the women’s soccer World Cup would be televised. We simply didn’t want to let the anticipation of the World Cup take away from us and we made the song our own Dedicated to football women as moral support”explains Kebekus: “Now that the transmission has been secured and the song is even an official World Cup song on ARD, my home broadcaster, the anticipation is growing immeasurably.”

Rauch: “catchy tune”

The song is well received by the players. “The chorus is definitely very catchy. I think you have the melody right in your head. The fact that the song is by Caro Kebekus is also a nice appreciation, because it also stands for many values ​​that we also follow . And also carries these values ​​to the outside world. And of course we want to carry the song to the outside world as well”, says Felicitas Rauch.

Huth: “Inspire one or the other person for us”

And her teammate Svenja Huth adds: “I think you can get one or the other person excited about us again. I think it’s kind of a catchy song and so we hope, of course, that a lot of people will hear it in the summer and that get in touch with us.”
