Women’s Champions League: Women from Wolfsburg start confidently in the premier class

As of: 10/20/2022 8:49 p.m

The soccer players of VfL Wolfsburg celebrated a successful start in the Champions League on Thursday (October 20th, 2022). The “wolves” won the first group game against St. Pölten 4-0 (2-0).

The Austrians, who celebrated their premiere in the group stage of the premier class, were at a disadvantage against dominant Wolfsburg from the start. Ewa Pajor (9th, 15th), Lena Lattwein (56th) and Jill Roord (89th) secured the superior Lower Saxony victory in the first group game – and in a one-sided game.

Pajor exposes the defense of St. Pölten

The Wolfsburg women, who had to do without Felicitas Rauch, who was suffering from Corona, started energetically. Pajor set up the hosts’ opening goal himself, regained the ball after Roord’s shot was blocked and completed it to make it 1-0. Six minutes later, the Bundesliga’s top scorer celebrated again: Sveindis Jonsdottir hung up, Pajor scored to make it 2-0 and an early preliminary decision.

Popp conducts, Wolfsburg manages

As hard as the guests tried afterwards, the class difference between the two teams was evident at every stage of the game. Wolfsburg let the ball and the opponents run, the Austrians couldn’t get hold of the game.

Alex Popp, who acted as playmaker in midfield, determined the rhythm of the Wolfsburg game and initiated numerous attacks worth seeing by the Lower Saxony team. But with the 2-0 lead behind them, she and her teammates saved their strength early on for the upcoming Bundesliga top game against Bayern Munich on Sunday (live on NDR from 1.45 p.m.).

Pajor has the hat-trick on his head, but Lattwein scores

Nevertheless, the “wolves” were hungry for more goals even after the change of sides – especially Pajor. But her header was blocked in the 56th minute, beneficiary Lattwein stood right next to it and scored to make it 3-0. The game was decided, and yet St. Pölten didn’t create any dangerous scoring chances.

Wolfsburg played and defended skillfully and brought the deserved success to the finish. The agile Roord crowned their good performance in the 89th minute with the final score of 4:0 – a victory that was also deserved at altitude.

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NDR 2 Sports | 10/20/2022 | 11:03 p.m
