Women return with enthusiasm to another massive 8-M in Barcelona

This Wednesday the women have returned to the streets to mobilize on the occasion of the March 8, International Women’s Daywith strength and desire to recover the massiveness of the protests of 2018 and 2019. On this occasion, they have been 40,000 according to the Urban Police, and 60,000 according to the organizers, the assistants that have dyed purple the center of Barcelona in the main demonstration, called by the Assemblea 8M.

The march started shortly after 6:30 p.m. in the university square. The purple tide has been made up of groups of friends, co-workers, association members, neighbors and even families, all united to remember that, although we have made progress, there is still much to do to achieve a equality real.

The protest, as usual, has revealed posters with original slogans. “Women no longer cry, women act“, “We are not hysterical, we are historical & rdquor ;, “I’m the artist, not the muse”, “Silent we are not prettier”, or “Not one more & rdquor ;, are some of the phrases that the women have raised during the demonstration. The smallest ones have also joined the banners: “I don’t want to be a princess, I want to be a mayor& rdquor ;, says the cardboard of one of the girls present.

scream the rage

“It’s not a holiday, it’s a protest & rdquor ;. Sandra, Cristina, Carolina and Marta they are clear. This is how they show it on their banner and with their words: “We protest for our rights, so that those of women and men are equal. And for those who are not. People think that today is a holiday, that it is to take the day off, and no. It is to protest and claim rights. This year we return with more desire than ever& rdquor ;, they declare.

I also like women and I don’t harass them” is the phrase that can be read on the cardboard they hold Laia, Julia and Pau, three young people marching together down the Gran Via. “We come here to demand the rights of women, for equality, and to vent& rdquor ;, say the two girls.

“Here you take away all the accumulated anger of the whole year against men who do things to us. Stares, hisses, comments… and other things. They have persecuted us, they have jerked off in front of us unknown men. But we also go out for all the things that we do not suffer, but that other women experience. AND so that all the fight is not lost that our ancestors did& rdquor ;, explain Laia and Julia. To all this, his friend Pau adds: “I also come here because I have lived with them the comments or beeps of the cars that suffer when they go down the street, and I come to ask that they stop doing it & rdquor ;. The two young women also assure that they would like to “not having to do more 8-M”: “It makes me angry when someone says that there is already equality. The situation has improved, but we cannot stay with that. There is much to do. If there are so many people here, it’s because still necessary& rdquor ;, they conclude.

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Miriam, Melanie and Emma they are a grandmother, mother and daughter who have also come together this 8-M to cry out for their rights, and for those of those who will come. “Are three generations of women that we continue to fight for the conquest of rights. The little one -two years old- represents the younger generation, and surely she will enjoy more freedoms and equality than us, but especially today We demand justice and that she can enjoy a free life& rdquor ;, they underline. Likewise, they do not forget those who are no longer here: “We have also been representing to all those who diedto which justice did not reach & rdquor ;.

Between burning torches and sounds of drums, claps, shouts and musicthe demonstration has advanced peacefully through the Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes to the Plaza de Tetuan, and then continue along the Paseo de Sant Joan and culminate in the Paseo de Lluís Companys. There, around 8:45 p.m., the manifesto of the 8-M protest was read and, with it, another day of strike came to an end. Already at night, the last chants have been heard -for now-: “Long live, long live, long live the feminist struggle”, “The night is ours, no aggression without response“.
