Women protest in Berlin against rape in the Ukraine war

With a protest action, numerous women in Berlin demonstrated against rape in the Ukraine war and the import of Russian natural gas.

According to the police, around 170 participants lined up in front of the Federal Ministry of Economics in the government district in Berlin-Mitte on Thursday. Most of them wore white clothes, which they smeared with fake blood. Many had bandaged their hands, taped their mouths or pulled a garbage bag over their heads.

“White symbolizes innocence. Blood symbolizes rape and crimes against humanity, which unfortunately happen every day in Ukraine,” said Julia Singh from the Voices of Ukraine initiative.

One participant wants to draw attention to the suffering in Ukraine with fake blood (Photo: picture alliance/dpa)
One participant wants to draw attention to the suffering in Ukraine with fake blood (Photo: picture alliance/dpa)

“Unfortunately, every day the war happens, it continues to happen,” said the co-organizer of the demonstration.

By importing Russian gas and oil, Germany finances the war and the atrocities committed against civilians in eastern Ukraine.

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“I can’t stand what the Russians are doing there,” said protester Nika, who is from Moscow and has Ukrainian roots. Russia started the war on February 24th.
