“Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” by Pedro Almodóvar returns to the cinema

Type: socio-hedonistic-irreverent comedy
Director: Pedro Almodóvar. With Carmen Maura, Julieta Serrano, María Barranco, Antonio Banderas, Rossy De Palma, Kiti Mánver, Chus Lampreave

A scene from “Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown” (© Photo12 / Contrasto).

It’s been 35 years, but Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown has not lost a shred of its strength and its fun and this is an opportunity to don’t miss the mini-festival dedicated to Almodóvar: The Shape of Desire branded Cecchi Gori.

Five of the director’s cult films will be playing in theaters this week: the film that consecrated the spirit of Madrid’s nightlife stands out above all others, a city determined to leave behind the yoke of the dictatorship to open up to a hysterical and hedonistic modernity.

Cannes 2023, Pedro Almodovar returns and lights up the red carpet with Ethan Hawke

Everything takes place in Pepa’s house, which has just been put up for sale: she would like to get in touch with the lover who left her with a message on her answering machine and in the meantime she also has to deal with the enraged wife of the man who plans to catch him in the act.

Then there is the friend who discovered that she had slept with a terrorist and wants to jump off the balcony while two policemen knock for information and a married couple would like to visit the apartment. Without forgetting a plate of gazpacho with a sleeping pill…

There are all the ingredients that will make Almodóvar popular, from pop-art to boulevard theatre, from sit-coms to fashion, from female magazines to advertising for an irreverent and scathing portrait of Spanish society. To see and review.

For those who want to find (or rediscover) the wildest and most fun Almodóvar.

For info on the rooms and programming dates: cgtv.it

