Women found on N18 also had ‘other injuries’ | Inland

The woman who was injured on the N18 was arrested in hospital on Monday morning. According to the police, she is suspected of being involved in the death of the other woman. The woman has not yet been questioned. Her physical and mental condition does not allow that yet, according to the police.

“The two of the women cycled across the Geukersdijk and we suspect that they fell down from there,” said police spokesman Chantal Westerhoff. The bicycles found on the Geukersdijk belong to the two women. The bicycles were on the viaduct.

Police are calling on witnesses to come forward. “It’s a place that few people pass by, so if someone has seen something, it can be extra valuable.”

The police do not want to say anything about the identity of the women, not even whether they come from the region. “Of course we have a suspicion. The family must first identify the deceased woman.”

It cannot be ruled out that a third person may have been involved in the incident. “That’s one of the scenarios we’re investigating.” The police are currently thinking of a crime, RTV Oost writes, as the women also have other injuries. Unfortunately, the spokesperson could not be reached tonight.
